
21 Combinations on the Speed Bag

21 Combinations of the Speed Bag. Running time 69 minutes. Region 0.

The curriculum for 21 combinations of the speed bag was designed and taught by Master Instructor Herb Patus who is the world’s highest-ranking martial artist to offer a speed bag DVD to the public. Our Speed Bag Instructional DVD does not take a second place in any way to any others on the market!

Take advantage of the teachings of master instructor Herb Patus as he displays in a step-by-step progressive manner how to master the mystical speed bag with hand, and hand-elbow combinations that have that have practical application to fighting.

Region 0 Format

This production includes graphics – multi camera angles – close ups – and slow motion for easy learning.


All material in the tapes is presented in easy to learn and understandable steps. The material is reviewed and reinforced when necessary to ensure that the student does not forget essential elements. So listen well, try hard and you will be amazed at how much you can learn and do.

Click for details on: why choose my training videos?

Price: $19.95
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