
Whey Protein

Tiger Brand Whey Protein Concentrate

80% concentrated to give outstanding nutritional and functional benefits. Our line of whey protein concentrates feature outstanding functional and nutritional attributes, and possess a bland flavor profile so they won't impart any off flavors to delicate flavored products. This protein is derived from superior milk sources at the largest single dairy processing facility in the United States. The freshness of the Jersey and Holstein cow milk supply, and the cleanliness of the processing operation result in an exceptional quality protein product.

Our protein is processed through an agglomeration procedure (slow, low heat drying of whey powder) to ensure that it will dissolve easily in liquid. Our whey protein is the highest quality powdered protein available on the market today.

Whey is 100% compatible to the body and of all the proteins is the most similar in structure to human mother's milk. Because whey protein is so easy to digest the body will utilize practically 100% of it; as opposed to other sources such as soy protein, which is difficult to digest. The highest grade of whey protein that you can get is 80% whey. You can get soy protein that may be as high as 90% to 95% protein but the body may only utilize a small percentage of it.

Protein comes in different qualities
Not all whey proteins on the shelf of the health food stores are a high quality 80% whey formula. Many are a blend of other elements, often being fructose (fruit sugars), and a low percentage of whey. They can have as low of a grade as 15% and still be classified and sold as "whey protein".

Watch the dosage
An 80% whey protein will have approximately 6 to 6.5 grams of protein per tablespoon. The lower grade whey protein will often provide a plastic scoop device inside the container to assist the user in measuring the proper dosage. These plastic scoops are extremely large and may hold anywhere from 2 to 6 tablespoons of protein per scoop. The instructions on the container may tell you to use from 1 to 4 of these "scoops" per serving in order to obtain the proper dose of protein.

How much protein should I take?

A good dose of high quality 80% whey protein should be approximately 18 to 20 grams per serving depending on your body size, any more than that may cause gas buildup in the body.

If you cannot get 18 grams of protein from 3 tablespoons then you are dealing with a low grade of protein. Those who have heavy-duty workouts or weight lift routines will need approximately 2/3 to ¾ grams of protein per 1 pound of body weight per day to assure proper muscular reconstruction.

Here is a basic chart to help determine your protein dosage. Keep in mind that one tablespoon equals 5 grams of bulk protein weight.

Bulk Protein Wt.  Tablespoons  Pure Protein 
5 gms =1 = 4 gms
10 gms =2 =8 gms
15 gms =3 =12 gms
20 gms =4 =16 gms
25 gms =5 =20 gms

25 gms. of bulk protein weight = 5 tablespoons, would provide 20 gms. of pure protein.

It is best to obtain your protein through natural foods
However, if that is not possible then powdered whey is a good supplement to help fulfill that requirement. As a general rule a 4 oz serving of meat such as chicken, fish, or beef will provide about 35 grams of protein. An egg, depending on size, will provide about 12 grams of protein. Because protein in the form of meat or other natural food sources take considerably longer for the body to digest and absorb than a dosage of whey protein, you can consume a larger amount without it's ill effects.

How often should I take protein?
The body does not store protein so you must ingest it with every meal. Once food enters the body it is broken down and transformed into a sugar, then distributed throughout the body as needed. Whatever the body does not use at the time is stored in the form of fat cells. This is why it is not good to eat large meals before going to sleep at night. The ideal situation is to eat 4 or 5 smaller meals throughout the day giving the body nourishment as it is needed thus preventing this sugar from being stored on the body in the form of fat.

Protein is heavy on the stomach and should not be taken late at night. Of all the foods that enter the body, protein is the hardest to digest. Digesting food requires much energy from the body. The heart must speed up and pump large amounts of blood into the stomach area in order to aide the digestive mechanism; to get a good nights sleep it is necessary for the heart to slow down considerably. You can see the contrast.

Water is a must
And is an important ingredient when digesting protein. It keeps the digestive tract from clogging up. It can be compared to running water in the sink while trying to grind up food in a garbage disposal. Without the water it does not work so well.

The livers and the kidneys must filter every substance that enters the body. Consuming large amounts of protein (in any form) without an adequate supply of water can lead to kidney infections, kidney stones, or even liver problems. Water also plays a major role in muscle reconstruction, as well as calming the central nervous system.

Whey Protein Concentrate Process Flow Chart
1. Collection of Milk
2. Pasteurization (73°C for 16 sec.)
3. Manufacturing of Cheese
4. Separation of liquid Whey
5. Pasteurization (73°C for 16 sec.)
6. Concentration (ultra filtration and di-filtration)
7. Spray Drying
8. Interim Packaging (poly-lined bags)
9. Hopper
10. Agglomeration
11. Final Packaging

Whey Protein Concentrate Mineral Content
Sodium 210mg/100g
Calcium 630mg/100g
Phosphorous 380mg/100g
Magnesium 56mg/100g
Chloride 30mg/100g
Potassium 400mg/100g
Iron 1.2ppm
Iodine 1.0ppm

Whey Protein Concentrate Amino Acid Profile
Alanine 5.08g/100g protein
Arginine 2.90g/100g protein
Aspartic Acid 11.0g/100g protein
Cystine 2.68g/100g protein
Glutamic Acid 16.84g/100g protein
Proline 1.58g/100g protein
Glycine 2.25g/100g protein
Histidine 2.05g/100g protein
Isoleucine 6.87g/100g protein
Leucine 11.32g/100g protein
Lysine 8.74g/100g protein
Methionine 2.37g/100g protein
Phenylalanine 3.55g/100g protein
Serine 4.60g/100g protein
Threonine 7.10g/100g protein
Tryptophan 1.71g/100g protein
Tyrosine 2.90g/100g protein
Valine 6.45g/100g protein

Instantized Whey Protein Concentrate
Functional instantized whey protein concentrate designed specifically for dry- mix nutritional applications. It is derived from fresh, sweet dairy whey that is further processed by ultra filtration and agglomeration procedures. The whey is concentrated to an 80 percent protein level.

Nutritional Supplements
Sports Supplements
Dietetic Drinks
Dry Blends

Quick, cold water Dispersibility
Excellent Amino Acid Profile
Low Mineral Content
Highly Digestible
Superior Protein Source
PER Value 3.2

Ingredient Statement (USA)
Whey Protein Concentrate, Lecithin

Scientific Analysis
Physical Typical
Protein 80%
Lactose 4%
Fat 6%
Moisture 7%
Ash 3.5%
Salmonella Negative/25g
SPC 10,000 CFU/g

Physical Characteristics
Tiger Protein is a spray dried, cream-colored powder with a bland flavor profile. It is homogeneous, free flowing, and non-caking.

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